WWDC20 and Shelter in Place Day 4

Contrary to my wish, WWDC20 is going to be an online-only event. Apple said it would be “a new experience.” I’m positive about the decision. But at the same time, sorry for missing some traditional moments: the midnight line-up, rush for the shop opening, and there would be no WWDC official jacket.

Oh, the jacket. It is the only item given to the WWDC attendants for free - except for the conference pass and some badges. There is no complimentary gift in WWDC except for the jacket. It is contrary to other big tech conferences; you know, F8 has given decent Occulus gears, and Google IO has spread many Google gadgets. So, the jacket is the proof and the trophy for the attendant. I have five WWDC jackets (as I attended 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, and 2019), but I was a bit disappointed with the jacket of last year - because there was no back number. I don’t know when the back number disappeared, but I guess it seemed to be in 2017. I think it has been one of the symbols of WWDC. We could easily recognize when a person attended. In the dawn of the keynote day, we showed some respect to the predecessors with the old numbers. We gathered around the number 7 or 8 and enjoyed the story of his/her past days, especially the days that Jobs was on the stage. It was like a camp night of adventurers around a bard who singing a legend.
Today is Day 4 (officially) of the shelter in place of the Bay Area. The day is not the same as before. As a software engineer, I’m used to working from home, but with my daughter at home is totally different. As we realized this can be a new normal, the school in Palo Alto seems to be finding a new way promptly. I see the school classes are being re-organized in online. My daughter attends the morning homeroom with Zoom. Assignments are given in Schoology - the online class site. As my daughter is not good at English yet, I have to help her understand the questions and assignments. It makes lots of interruption in my works. So, I’m trying to find out how I can maintain my performance; for example, I’m considering getting up more early (at 4am).
Until now, I’m relieved with the current status of my local area. The state, city, and school district has made decisive decisions, and they clearly communicate them with us. Giants and Warriors made funds to help people who are adversely impacted by the suspended season. The local community and schools give free lunches to children. Food deliveries and online orders are encouraged to support local businesses. Walking in the park is not prohibited, and everyone keeps the social distance. I felt everyone in this area considers other people’s lives to protect their own life. It might be my illusion through the local broadcasts, but it is what I expected for the Bay Area. I hope we all overcome these days and back to a healthy and normal life. Yes, it might be hard to totally same with the old days, but I want to be at the view-reserved seat with my daughter.