Steve Ballmer

In my memory, Steve Ballmer is forever linked to the famous "Developers" dance. There was a time when Microsoft stood as a faithful advocate for software developers, and Ballmer, drenched in sweat and passionately shouting "developers," was a hero of the late 1990s.

However, his reputation faded after his dismissive laugh at the iPhone, and he gradually slipped into the oblivion of people's memory.

Last week, I stumbled upon an interview with Steve Ballmer on my favorite tech podcast, Hard Fork, and discovered the USAFacts YouTube channel. I was genuinely impressed by his initiative and found the content informative and engaging.

He’s doing something truly meaningful for the world, unlike some tech billionaires who seem to disrupt society with their ever-shifting egos. In times like these, we need more heroes, and Steve Ballmer is proving to be one. I’m genuinely grateful for his efforts.